Thank you for visiting my site as I run for your Local 1620 Business Manager.  I am running because you need a leader you can count on and works hard.  Your leader needs to be available at all times, responsive to you, and accountable. It is what you deserve as a member.  It is what we all need together as Local 1620!

As you know, I was elected as your Business Manager in 2016.  On your behalf, I worked extremely hard and I did include you, our members.  Broken down in headings below, have a look at all our staggering accomplishments of the past four years: 

·       Succeeded with two mega-projects (Lower Churchill and Maritime Link Project) using the IBEW Code of Excellence.

·       Negotiated Newfoundland Power Craft and Clerical Collective Agreements that were accepted for the first time ever on the first vote in 2019.

·       Intervened in Newfoundland Power’s 2018 General Rate Application for the first time ever.

·       Challenged Newfoundland Power Public Utilities Board Application on Essential Employees – First time ever in 2018.

·       Reached a better and more fair Newfoundland Power Trouble Truck arrangement for all St. John’s PLTs.

·       Negotiated the CLRA (Provincial) Collective Agreement that was overwhelmingly accepted on the first vote.

·       Negotiated the Colliers International Collective Agreement that was accepted unanimously.

·        Arbitrated several controversial grievances.

·        Implemented an effective Shop Steward Fact Finding Process.

·      All Local Union financial recording and reporting with audits are 100% up to date and filed for the first time ever.

·       Established much better processes for our Local Union accounting, including Executive Board and membership approvals, spending, etc.

·       All Local Union per capita is 100% up to date.

·       Our LCP/ MLP remittances have been audited.

·       Activated an Investment Committee and Investment Policy to control all Local Union investments. The Committee has regular meetings, training, and reporting.

·       Instituted a Local Union budget in 2019/ 2020 for the first time ever.

·       Negotiated the Local 1620/ 2330 Partnership termination (74263 NL Inc. and IBEW College).   

·      Activated all eleven Local Union 1620 Units from St. John’s to Port Aux Basques in October 2016.  They are now monthly and fully functional.  Members now get opportunity to attend meetings and address all our Union business every month.

·       As Business Manager, I attended numerous Local Union meetings regularly.  Your Business Manager needs to be connected with you, the membership.

·       Activated numerous committees including the NextGen Committee (Chartered with the IBEW), Women’s Committee (Chartered with the IBEW), Building Committee, Investment Committee, Political Action Committee, Grievance Committee.

·       Amended and instituted numerous Local Union policies that were approved by the membership including the investment policy, sexual harassment policy, harassment and discrimination policy, and training policy.

·       Amended several Local bylaws that were presented and approved by the membership.

·       Developed and delivered many Shop Steward training sessions.

·       Delivered several training sessions related to organizing.

·       Delivered a business & labour relations management framework training session for staff in 2018.

·       Developed and delivered two successful Education Conferences that were attended and enjoyed by many members. The Education Conference themes were Planning our Future Together (2018) and Building our Future Together (2019).

·       Regularly email blast Local Union important information to the membership.

·       Developed and launched a new Local Union 1620 brand with a new Local Union logo.

·       Developed and launched a new Local Union 1620 website.

·       Engaged organizing staff to increase our Local Union 1620 membership.

·       Several organizing campaigns, targeting nonunion workers are presently in place.

·       Managed a Local Union staff that peaked at 16.

·       Created a file storage/ retrieval system that is all now electronic and shared amongst staff.  File retention will not be an issue going forward as it was in the past.

·       Provided a Drug Card for all Local Union construction members under the Local Union Health Plan.

·       Fairly distributed and shared all Local Union business travel with the membership. 


·      We are 100% IBEW Rule Compliant as the membership makes all the decisions. 

·       We are all working together under a membership approved Local Union strategic plan that was instituted in 2018.  The members have directly laid out what Local 1620 is to be focused on.


We can be stronger and more effective, but we must draw on each other’s strengths to achieve our shared goals as members of Local 1620.  My commitment is to continue to work hard so that we can be the best Union we can be.

We have much work to do and I want to lead that work.  I respectfully ask for your continued support and your vote to be Local 1620’s Business Manager.

Safe Fraternal Regards,