Response to a May 14, 2020 Facebook Post

I was very disappointed to see a Facebook post made on May 14, 2020 by a candidate who is running in our Local 1620 election.  Typically, I would not respond to this type of campaign literature, but the fact is the post is full of misinformation which the candidate knows is untrue.

Never before has a candidate stoop to such fearmongering in an election campaign.  It speaks volumes about this candidate who twists information for his own purpose and his own agenda.  In fact, this candidate has been in office for the past 4 years, with 49 meetings of the Executive Board and numerous unit meetings.  Never has this been raised nor have the words “dishonesty” and “backstabbing” been used in any way, shape, or form.  Why is it only now this candidate is using these terms? 

We have rules and process in the IBEW.  Under our Constitution, bylaws, and policies, members can address issues such as dishonesty and backstabbing.  Why haven’t this candidate, in his leadership capacity, done this?  If he could not do this in our structured and protected IBEW environment, how will he address other issues of Local 1620 and deal with industry and employers, including Newfoundland Power.  He will be easily intimidated, and unfortunately the other party (the employer) will have the advantage. 

The candidate states “ I think it’s time for this Union to get rid of the high priced lawyers, the high priced consultants, and the politicians………..We need to make responsible and smart decisions when spending member’s money – and not end up in a $5.5 million boondoggle (which happened in this term) in Holyrood”.

Local 1620 is a business and as everyone knows, we are very well positioned financially.  In the best interests of our membership, we have a great ability to afford fair market rates for expertise (lawyers and consultants).  We can finally afford advice, representation, and protection for our members and their issues.  Never before has Local 1620 been able to fight grievances and take them to arbitration. Never before could we afford to intervene on Newfoundland Power’s General Rate or challenge Newfoundland Power’s Essential Employee Application.  We are finally doing what a Union is supposed to do and that is to work as best as we can for our members.  To be realistic, this would be catastrophic should this candidate take this away from our members.  I will not allow that to happen because our members deserve more.

When I became Business Manager in 2016, I instantly saw big problems with the Holyrood partnership and brought my concerns to the Executive Board and the membership.  Only then did the Executive Board and the membership make the decision to terminate the Holyrood partnership.  Why is the candidate saying it is a “boondoggle” when he played a part of the decision making? I am fully supportive of the decision the Executive Board and membership made on the Holyrood partnership termination.  To have stayed in the partnership, Local 1620 would be in great financial jeopardy today.

I look forward to you understanding this misleading information but strongly suggest that putting misleading information out to our members, to people we do business with, to our employer partners, and to the public, unfortunately paints a very damaging picture of Local 1620 and the IBEW.  This is not responsible leadership. We all have worked long and hard to get where we are today, and this should not be tolerated.

Going forward, I fully urge this candidate and all candidates to run respectful campaigns.  Seek support with integrity and campaign on your own merits, experience, and disclose how you wish to move Local 1620 forward.  

Should you need further clarity, please feel free to contact me directly at 709-325-1620 or

Stay safe and stay positive,
