Good morning everyone and I hope you all had a great Canada Day.

I am extremely humbled to accept the position of IBEW Local 1620 Business Manager/ Financial Secretary. I sincerely want to thank the membership for entrusting me to continue to manage Local 1620 for the next four years.  It is an absolute honour and a privilege to be given this position and I sincerely respect that very much.  

Secondly, I want to congratulate our new 2020 - 2024 Local 1620 Executive Board (Robert Dillon, Steven Stewart, Byron Lundrigan, Cynthia Osmond, Paul Smith, Ryan Penney, Glen Curtis, Jeremy Thorne, Jason Rose, Cory Layman, Geoff Ford, Ann Marie Candow, and Jeff Fahey).  I have faith that they will be a great team and I sincerely look forward to working with them over the next four years.  

On behalf of the Local 1620 membership and myself personally, I want to thank Graham Abbott, Wade Pardy, Chad Simms, Frances Rideout, and John Collier.  Their contribution to Local 1620 is very much appreciated and the work they did will continue with Local 1620 for years to come.  As we all know, four years ago, we started to make change.  Graham, Wade, Chad, Frances and John helped with this and we are all better off for it.  As we all know, there is still more to do.

I want to welcome our new Executive Board members (Ann Marie, Paul, Jeremy, Jason, and Geoff) to the Executive Board.  The best thing about elections is our members get an opportunity to bring in new blood to our Board.  This is always great so we don't get stuck in our ways and continue with the same old.  I look forward to your positive input as we will continue together to move Local 1620 ahead.

Our 2020 election was not for our Board members nor myself, it was for you, our membership.  You own this democratic right and rightly so.  How fitting that this occurred just prior to our national day to celebrate; Canada Day.

As you all know, I am not far away.  If you need me, just reach out.  With our election now complete, it is time to focus on what we do. 

Again congratulations and thank you to everyone.

Warm Fraternal Regards,
